Most golfers that have studied the concepts of Gravity Golf, believe in the solidarity of the science behind it. Knowing about, and believing in any athletic program, will not, however, give you prowess and expertise at a particular skill – only “proper” practice will do that. Listed here are a few suggestions for making your golf swing more reliable and for improving your game.
- Find a partner, or better still, start a driver drill club where you practice, and do a 100 ball driver drill at least twice a week (preferably three times). It will have a profound effect on the distance and accuracy of your tee shots. Driving the ball well is the first priority in golf for becoming a great player because a good tee shot makes everything else easier. Having several of your friends in a driver drill club will be motivational to all of you and everyone learns from watching each other.
- Every time you practice, do three-mode drills from a normal stance and do heel-to-heel transfer drills with your feet in motion. These two drills alone will teach you everything about the full swing that you need to know. There is incredible science behind each of them and it is in your great interest to understand how and why they work. You will find both of them on-line at our website.
- Try to play at least nine holes/week from one of the drills. Taking the drills onto the course will let you feel how “magnetic” the targets on the course truly are, and how to overcome the tendency they (the targets) have to make you swing linear (the most destructive thing to your swing).
- Plan in the next twelve months to attend a three-day school with Danny or myself. If you plan ahead and make it a priority, you can make it happen. Returnees get a discount on the tuition, and remember – the better you get, the more we can accomplish with you.
Everyone have the Happiest New Year and best of good fortune with your golf!
My best,
David Lee
How many students are at each three day school.
Four students to a class, unless we are teaching one together in which case we will take up to eight.
DeleteWhat is the 100 ball driver drill? Is it simply hitting 100 drivers in a row? When I took the Gravity Golf 3 day school a few years ago, we did not go over that drill, so I assume that it is a newer drill.
ReplyDeleteHi Thomas, here is a video of the Driver Drill. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_C1kBQhX1tE ... In this video you will see a Front Route (Core Drill) and a Down Route (Normal Swing). The Heel to Heel (Transfer Drill with you toes off the ground) and a 3 Mode Drill can be substituted in place of the other two.