Thursday, August 22, 2013

How To Hit A Power Fade by Pete Dunham in Charleston SC

Ball position forward.  Some golfers set their clubface slightly open relative to their intended swing path, imparting 'fade' spin...  For others, this is not necessary... Experiment. Now, with the core, heave the arms and club on a more upright path.  This upward motion of the arms will minimize the rotation of the forearms, thus the rotation of the club face...  Counterfall and pivot freely around the left pivotal axis into a fully rotated relaxed balanced finish.  Ball position/alignment and heave plane allow for the 'power fade'.....Here's how I got there:

The power fade caught my attention 30 years ago... Why?  Because I hit a weak slice back then and was perplexed with how guys like Nicklaus could hit the fade so far!  Even in my early years of teaching I could not explain the power fade....  I saw it with my own eyes occasionally, but mostly, my students and I just hit weak fades that came up short and right.  

It wasn't until I studied Gravity Golf with David Lee that I began to understand and play that elusive shot.  

Most golfers hit a fade/slice due to mis-perceptions and tension.  Their ideas of the golf swing are poor, and the tension levels in their body keep them from allowing the club face to square up through the hitting area...  Even a lot of good players that hit mostly hooks struggle with hitting a fade correctly.... They add tension and just hold on to try and play the fade...  It's not a very good strategy-  Only a handful of players have been successful doing that.  

Now lets take a look at a few of the great power faders in the history of the game-  Hogan, Nicklaus, VJ Singh, and Freddy Couples (the latter being more of a power blocker).  Yes there are many more, but I want to focus on these guys for today's discussion.  It's extremely evident that although they are hitting fades almost exclusively, they also have tremendous forearm rotation through the hitting area!  Take a look at these photos
Inline image 1Inline image 2  
Inline image 3Inline image 4

I think it's easy to see what tremendous forearm rotation all these players have as they swing through the ball....  Freddy always fascinates me because he has all this release coupled (no pun intended) with a very strong grip and yet he rarely hit draws during his playing days on the PGA Tour.

The best news is that the power fade is very possible!  The first thing most golfers must do is learn the Gravity Golf swing!  It's pretty much a pre-requisite for the power fade.  A golfer, unless incredibly strong and of higher than average athletic ability, will not be able to create the power fade until they are far more 'physics compliant' in their swings!  Once a player can 'Heave' the tension out of their arms in the backswing, and fully sling their arms and club through impact with their 'Counterfall and pivot',  they can absolutely learn the power fade...  

In conclusion:  The power fade, as played by the worlds great Gravity Golfers, is accomplished with a full release of the body and arms through the hitting area...  They do not use muscle nor hold the face open to produce the shot, rather they have a swing path and sequence that imparts the intended spin on the ball while at the same time putting all their mass into the golf ball through the center of the golf club.  It's an awesome shot to hit... it's powerful, and effortless!  

Take a look at this youtube video of Jack.  He has the look of effortless power that is hard to describe!  It's explosive!  And yet you can see the tension free arms at the end of his swing.  Enjoy...  And work on the Gravity Drills!

Pete Dunham, PGA Certified Professional/Instruction, Retail, Golf Operations
Director of Golf
Snee Farm Country Club

1200 Club Drive
Mt. Pleasant, SC 29464
RiverTowne Country Club
1700 RiverTowne Country Club Drive
Mt. Pleasant, SC 29466

Athletic Golf :: Golf is a Sport, Play like an Athlete

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