How To Teach Your Kids Golf by Daniel Lee in Orlando Florida

At the driving range, I've seen too many parents trying the latest tip from Golf Digest, to help their kids make solid contact with the golf ball. They will try anything to steer their kid into the right direction.

If the approach isn't laid out well enough, or the information doesn't connect with the young golfer than it could leave a bad taste in their mouth. Your future, "Saturday golfing partner" may never develop the enjoyment or satisfaction of playing golf correctly.

So all the parents out there please keep in mind a few things when first getting your kids into the game. All kids are born with the same instincts to a certain degree when it comes to golf. They will all try to get to the top of the swing and bash at it with their upper body, in an effort to move the ball ("The harder I swing, the farther this will ball will go!").

If you want to instill the swing with thoughts and feel that will give the young golfer the ability to create an easy, yet very powerful swing. You need to train them from a position of the Gravitiy Golf drills that will not let them fall into an incorrect technique or mind set.

For instance, if you start your child in a drill with their feet crossed, they will feel when they use their arms to power the swing, they will begin to lose their balance. It won't be long, before they immediately begin to soften up with the upper body and release their mass through the golf ball.  

This drill can be used for full shots and short game as well. Watch my video to learn more or please feel free to contact me for private golf lessons in Greenville, South Carolina, Asheville, NC, or Columbia, SC .

Golf Instruction DVD
"How It Works & How To Learn It"
Golf Instruction DVD

Gravity Golf Book
"The Evolution & Revolution on Golf Instruction"

Gravity Golf Putter
"The Arc Master"

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