Guan Tianlang and Training Junior Stars by David Lee in Greenville SC

Lydia Ko, Tadd Fujikawa, Guan Tianlang - these are really young people.  Watching the Zurich Open from New Orleans this afternoon and all the huh-bub around Guan Tianlang, the fourteen year-old Chinese phenom who made the cut at Augusta and now again this week, confirms the belief that I've had for a very long time - that golf can be learned very quickly if you are practicing in a high quality manner. 

 Most of us start the game with a "kill" concept and then spend years, if not a lifetime trying to grow out of it.  These youngsters have learned very high-quality technique at very early ages, and are not afraid to put them into action in front of a lot of people.  We have not seen a TV piece on whether or not Guan and the others sleep and eat on the practice tee, but they have all trained great swings deeply into their motor programs at a very young age.  Practicing correctly can yield great benefits in our game.

David Lee
Gravity Golf, Inc.


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