Wednesday, January 16, 2013

Exercise Is Always A Good Idea

In conjunction with our last newsletter where we discussed a practice regimen for the new year, I felt inclined toward a little discussion about exercise.  Most people don’t particularly like to talk about it – much less do it – but it certainly can play a very positive role towards improving your golf game.

Flexibility is very important for the ability to complete your back-swing and get full depth into your counter-fall.  The depth of the counter-fall is a key ingredient for being able to rotate your core through impact at maximum speed, and is a key element for achieving full distance in the “Gravity” swing.  As players age and lose that flexibility, the core rotation lessens, the counter-fall does likewise, and distance loss is inevitable.  A good daily stretching program is something that I highly recommend.  You can find great programs for stretching in the material written by Pete Egoscue, who was Jack Nicklaus’ personal trainer for years, and you can also find excellent stretches in Darcy Dill’s book called “Body Friendly Golf.”  Both of them can be found online.

In addition to stretching, it is very, very important to develop and maintain as much strength as possible in your hamstrings and gluteus muscles.  Doing partial squats with a kettlebell or barbell at least three times weekly is a great way to do this and most any good trainer at your health club can guide you in proper technique.

One other thing that I highly recommend from a cardiovascular standpoint is the Gravity Golf driver drill that Danny will be showing in this months’ video newsletter.  Not only is this drill a super cardio exercise, it will make you a great driver of the golf ball.  Study it carefully, find a partner, and do it at least twice, if not three times per week.

Keeping your body in shape will make you feel better, live longer, and, play better golf!

Best wishes for a successful golf season.
David Lee   

1 comment:

  1. It might not look like it, but golf if actually a strenuous game to play. For one, it contracts the muscles intensely when you swing, making it a great whole-body exercise. It also works the cardiovascular system because it forces you to walk long distances to go from one hole to another. That’s why professional golfers like Tiger Woods are considered fit athletes as well!

    Sofia Karg
