Saturday, December 1, 2012

When You Can't Win, You At Least Can Still Grin By Danny Lee

"Courage is what Ernest Hemingway describes as grace under pressure. When you can demonstrate good sportsmanship in the face of defeat, you have taken the first step toward earning the respect of your peers and preparing yourself for the next victory. Don't take yourself and your situation so seriously that you cannot give a smile of sincere congratulations to someone who has temporarily bested you. Wish him or her well, then rededicate yourself to improving your own ability - and stay in the game" ~ Napolean Hill

This is a quote that I recently came across and felt it was pertinent enough to share with you guys. In so many ways we have to deal with little failures in our life and it's definitely no different in our golf game. Those judgements can be dealt with in many ways and depending on how we view them can have a huge effect on our swings. Every thought you have can either put tension in your swing or take it out... this is an introspective journey to find out how well you can let go of a shot that doesn't live up to your expectations and give yourself the best possible chance of making your next one with grace. Wayne Gretzky was quoted as saying "You miss 100% of the shots that you don't take." As difficult as it may seem at times, try to applaud yourself for having the guts to step out and try something that very well could be a momentary failure, but is putting you that much closer to a place of success.


  1. I get my inspiration from my wife and she is writing at

  2. Thanks, Danny. Obviously you are continuing to expand your teaching horizons.
